Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dog days of summer are upon us

I came home from work at lunchtime today to walk Bella, but at 100 degrees, it is just too hot outside for her. We walked one block, then when we hit a shady patch, she lay down in the grass and refused to budge. 'Til I said, "Wanna go home?" Then she bounded to her feet and turned around, intent on reaching air-conditioned comfort as soon as possible.

Poor girl. Dave left on a road trip this morning and she will miss him. They are best friends. This morning, when he got up uncharacteristically early to pack, she became kind of agitated watching him. Even went upstairs to hide under the bed at one point. While he's gone, she'll have to spend more time in the crate than usual, and more time at doggy daycare, and more time with me. We will get along fine, but I know that when Dave gets home she will all but explode with joy at seeing him again.


Dave Knadler said...

"Explode with joy" may be an overstatement. I always get the impression she's happy no one's beating on her.

Tess Knadler said...

OH stop it. For the record, whenever Dave enters a room (even if he's just getting back from a trip to the bathroom!) the dog gets a big grin on her face and starts prancing around, wagging her tail at full speed.

mgoodspeed said...

Hi, I ran across your site while researching bull boxers, you have a beautiful pup by the way, I think it might be our pups twin! Our story is with our boxer mix is much the same. We found her at a foster home and even though the vet and just about everyone else that has met her thinks she has pit bull in her we couldn't have asked for a better puppy. If you have a chance take a peek over at number3andhisdog.blogspot.com, Kayo really does look so much like your Bella did as a young pup!

Tess Knadler said...

mgoodspeed, I checked out your blog. Your dog is wonderful. And I believe she is Bella's twin. These pit mixes are the best pets-- smart, loyal and so loving!